This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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New glasses

The other night I took Sebastian to Walmart to order his second pair of eyeglasses.  We received his new eyeglasses two weeks ago from the other eyecare place but we needed a second pair as a "back up".  As you know, with an energetic little boy, we have used the back up glasses on numerous occassions.  In fact, the Walmart people know us by first names  :-D

Sebastian getting measurements for the new frames.

Open wide

Ava is on this gum chewing craze lately.  She gets mad at me because I only give her a half a stick of gum.

Every once in a while I'll ask her where her gum is and this is the response I get.  Let's just say she's swallowed enough gum to start her own gum tree ;-O 

Foot fashion

This morning we woke up to a snow layering on the ground.  Since I have to walk across the daycare parking lot and work parking lot, I figured I'd wear my snow boots so I wouldn't slip and fall.  Well Ava saw my snow boots and HAD to put on hers  ;-P  Like mother like daughter?

The commute from heck!

Since there was snow on the ground, we knew the morning commute was going to be unbearable!  Our car ride was two hours long.  Michael decided to work from home because he has a longer commute than I do.  Lucky him!

Since I had nothing to do in the car except listen to Ava's complaints and demands, I sent Michael text messages every time we budged a little bit.  We started out around 7:15 a.m. and by 8 a.m. I realized that Ava had her big girl underwear on and she had drank all her milk in the car and I left the diaper bag on the bench in the hallway!

See the very first text message at the very top of the next screen.

There were several accidents from the earlier morning commute. 
Car wreck # 1, 2 & 3

Car wreck #4

and car wreck #5.  At least they were all in one central location.

Car Recreation

So...what does one do on a two hour car commute to daycare and work?

Warm up the cold milk cup

Count the headlights on the highway

Check out the traffic ahead

Keep Elmo company and tell Mommy to drive faster

Pull out sticker book and tell Mommy you want to get out!

Share your stickers with Mommy and tell her you want to play in the snow

Put stickers on Mommy since there's no paper in the car

Did I mention that Ava said she wanted out of the car at least 20 times?  This is what she looked like towards the end of the long commute.  She had this solemn face.  Can you blame her?  She was great during the whole car ride! 


Sack race anyone?

Ava wanted to try on Mommy's vest for size.  If the vest was sewn close at the bottom, she could have used it for the next sack race.

Captive Audience

This what I usually see every morning when I go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair.  Then she follows me to my makeup stand and leers...I mean observes me from over my shoulder. 

She has such an expressive and animated face.  I can tell she's smiling even though half of her face is hidden.  It's in her sparkly eyes! 

Magical world of make believe...

Ava received her very first Barbie for Christmas this year.  It couldn't be a plain ole Barbie, it had to be a Fairy Barbie with light up wings! 

Ava also got a dollhouse for her birthday that talks and the furniture light up.  This is starting to sound like a cliche...."but I never had toys like that when I was little!!"

Ava even likes to use the dollhouse vanity to check her face and nose out   :-P

Girls will be girls

Honestly, I think the primping and dress up is built in the genes.  The girls went from being toddlers to 14 year olds over night! 

Non stop Saturday

The weekend started off slow and easy.  We ordered Chinese food takeout on Friday night. 

We had our usual Saturday morning routine, piano lesson and Kindermusic class.  Sebastian had a birthday party to attend later in the afternoon so he had to buy a bday present while Ava and I met June and Mary for lunch. 

We never caught up with June and her family over the holidays so this was our big Christmas exchange ;-)  We stopped at a consignment boutique while waiting for June and Mary to arrive.  Unfortunately, we were striking out with the restaurant choices.  We were originally going to try out a new Thai restaurant but they were closed for lunch.  The Olive Garden had a 40 minute wait so we decided to head over to Wegman's.  There was a nice Pub inside Wegman's and it was only a 15 min. wait. 

Mary and Ava sitting on the bench outside of Wegman's.  Ava is wearing her souvenir from Walt Disney World.  Mary had a visit with all the Princesses in the Magic Kingdom back in November.

The girls doing their gift exchange.

They look so adorable together ;-)

After lunch, I took Ava home for a nap and then had to turn back around to take Sebastian to his friend's bday party at Monkey Joe's.

The pictures are kind of blurry because it was taken with the iphone and the lights were turned off because the disco ball had to go on.  I love how Sebastian's face glowed in the pic below.   :-D

After the bday party, Sebastian had another friend spend the night (see next post).  And that was just Saturday!!

What a loong weekend!

Sebastian had a sleep over on Saturday night with one of his male classmates who lives down the street.  We were so use to having Elizabeth over.  We feel like Elizabeth is our second daughter.  We know what she likes and doesn't like to eat.  Sebastian's new friend is a little more finicky when it comes to eating.  His mother had to pack him food to bring along because he doesn't like to eat out and doesn't like other people's food.  We thought we would never find someone who was more finicky than Sebastian!

Anyway, the boys played from 6:30 - 11 p.m.  We had set up the tent in the family room and I made the boys go to bed.  Around 11:45, Sebastian comes into our room and tells us that someone is getting homesick and wants to go home.  As it turns out, Sebastian's friend has not slept over at anyone's house before! 

So the friend gets picked up by the mother and Sebastian is too scared to sleep downstairs alone in the tent.  I hadn't made his bed because I had washed his bed linens and had planned to make up the bed on Sunday.  So at midnight I had to get the clean linens from the laundry room and make up the bed.  Needless to say, it was a long night and I think Sebastian woke up on Sunday around 7 a.m.

Sebastian got to go over to the same friend's house on Sunday afternoon to play for a couple hours.  While Ava was taking a nap, I made lasagna to take over to Grandmom's house.  Later that day, we picked up Sebastian and headed over for dinner.  Not five minutes into the car ride, Sebastian slumps over and I thought he was just hiding from his sister.  He was sound asleep.  Yep, I have to was a full weekend all right!


Comic relief

My morning comic relief!

Cuteness revisited

This morning Sebastian strolled into the bedroom with his giant blue bunny and laid on top of our bed.  I was putting on my make up and Ava was behind me as usual watching me put on my makeup.  She announced that Sebastian was sleeping and I thought he was just sitting on the bed waiting for me to turn on the t.v. like he usually does.  So I turned around and this is what I saw.  I didn't have my digital camera so I used my iphone to quickly capture the "cuteness" of it all.  :-D  I can't believe he's going to be nine this year!!


Snow babies

I came across a picture of Sebastian when he was two years old.  He had just come inside from the snow.  He was cold and wet and this was his reaction.  This reminded me of Ava a few weeks back when she to reacted the same way after playing in the snow.  Can you tell they are siblings??

I'm sure I'm not the only Mom to ask this...but why don't they make water proof gloves for toddlers?  I know that they have to have cute knitted mittens to match their winter attire but it doesn't do any good in the snow!  Especially when they want to play out, in, and under the snow.  Ava kept taking her mittens off because one, they were soaking wet and two, she couldn't grab the snow because her thumb was separated from the rest of her fingers and couldn't get a good grip.  She went through three pairs of mittens and finally decided she couldn't stand the frost bite feeling anymore.

Mommy's nemesis

If there was ever such an annoying toy, it has to be the slinky (of the plastic variety).  This is Ava asking Mommy if this is "better" at least 50 times in the car on the way to daycare.  She wasn't suppose to find the slinky hidden in the back of the seat but she can find a Cheerio on the floor way under the driver seat.  {:-O

(the picture is a littly blurry since it came from my iPhone)