This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Family night

June, Bruce and Mary came for a visit and dinner on Saturday.  The kids had so much fun and the parents...well, were so pooped that I didn't even get to capture the cute bathtub scene with Mary and Ava. 

Since Uncle Bruce was the guest of honor, Sebastian shared his Darth Vader mug.  Hey, the mug is good for hot chocolate and after dinner coffee  ;-)
Some light dinner entertainment, battling with miniature light saber pens (well actually, stylus for Sebastian's Nintendo).

Our two little monkeys (in their monkey PJ's).
Vegging out in front of the t.v. after a full night of running around.
The great Daddy lifts.

Board game rediscovered

Last week I picked up Sebastian after school/work and this is what I caught him playing...Twister!  Talk about childhood memories.  Of course if I went out and got the Twister game, he'd never play it at home  ;-)

Lunch for one

I took a day off one day last week for "just me" time.  Well, it really wasn't just for me because we had two medical appointments and I had to stop at BJ's wholesale to get some stuff for our upcoming weekend guests. 

After I dropped Ava off at the daycare, I stopped at a Thai restaurant for lunch.  I ordered the traditional Thai noodle soup and it came with an appetizer and dessert as part of the lunch special.  I'd forgotten how good the Thai soup is.  It reminds me a lot of the Vietnamese Pho soup. 

Notice the magazine next to the soup bowl?  I don't get to do this very often.  Have a meal and get to read a gossip magazine in peace.  Ahhhh, life's simple pleasures.

 They served mango and sticky rice.  I HAD to order that since it isn't on most Thai restaurant menu's.  As I was telling Michael, every bite brought me back to my childhood.  It really is a "comfort" food to me.  Michael asked if I was skipping and hopping out of the restaurant like a little girl afterwards.   :-D

Three year check up

We had an appointment for Ava's wellness checkup during the week it snowed.  The original appointment was scheduled in the early evening.  We were suppose to provide a urine sample for her physical.  So I made Ava pee in a cup and of course it didn't go without a million "why's".  We had to postpone and reschedule the appointment because it had been snowing all day. 

When it was time for Ava's visit, I strapped her in the carseat and had forgotten about taking a second urine sample.  Ava asked me where we were going and I told her to the doctor first and then to school.  She asked if she had to "pee pee" at the doctor's office.  I made a gasp sound and covered my mouth with my hand.  She asked me why I covered my mouth and I told her she reminded me about the urine sample.  Isn't it funny she remembered about peeing in the cup?   ;-P   Here are pictures from Ava's three year check up. 

Getting measured.
Ava is 50 % in height and 25% in weight.  I took a picture of the weight scale read out as a reminder to myself.
Her head measurement was 18 inches (10 %), which means she's still a little peanut  ;-)
Waiting for the doctor.
The doctore gave her a clean bill of health.  Ava didn't wait for the doctor to finish writing in her medical records.  She started peeling off her paper gown.

Maternal instincts

Ava has officially graduated from stuffed puppies, bears and bunnies to baby dolls. Lately she cannot leave the house without a baby doll in her arms.

Ava and baby at her three year wellness checkup.
At the dry cleaner.
At the grocery store.
In the check out line.
Ava insisted on strapping the baby in the car seat.  I asked Ava where she was going to sit and she replied, "in brother's seat."  Sebastian's seat is a booster seat.  I told her, "no way."  So we compromised.
This morning she wanted both baby and bunny with her.  She took them in with her at the daycare....uh oh.
I'm not sure if her baby doll is a security thing or a maternal thing. 
Although it looks like she's strangling the baby in this picture....
Her maternal instincts kick in....even with non animal/human creatures.


Oldie but goodie

Sebastian had a roller skate birthday party to attend last Monday.  I took Ava along so she could have her first roller skating experience.  She did ice skating a few months back and did really well.  They had these "walkers" you could use for beginners.  I thought it looked kind of funny and ironic.  You wouldn't think a three yr old would need a walker.  Ava didn't really care for the walker and preferred to skate free style.

I didn't get too many pictures of Sebastian because he kept whizzing by me like this and most of the pics were blurred.
Can't have a roller skating rink without a disco ball!

Here is a cute video of Ava dancing when she got used to being on wheels   ;-)

The Tuba Orchestra

Sebastian and Elizabeth demonstrating their tuba talent (another indoor activity).

Cupid schmupid

Since when did Valentine's become a kid holiday?  I mean look at all the loot Ava brought home from her Valentine's party.  Sebastian had his party a few days later due to the snow and President's day weekend extension.  He brought just as much home, if not more.  I guess I can't complain since the adults got a night off and went out for a nice romantic dinner  :-D

No, Ava did not have twins on Valentine's day.  The bears were born exactly 12 months apart, 2/14/09 and 2/15/10.  They even have their birth year stamped on their feet (that's how you can tell them apart).  Ava obviously loves them equally  :-)

Baby blues

Sebastian lost his two front top baby teeth.  He lost the first one about a week and a half ago and then the other followed.  They both happened at daycare and school.  I've got the baby blues because I can't  help wonder where my baby went??  He had all his baby teeth on top and then all of a sudden they are gone.  I miss his baby teeth grin.  You can see his adult teeth on the bottom overlapping where the gaps are.  I know I'm being all sentimental but he's still my little man.

Same old face

A couple weeks ago I picked Ava up from the daycare and noticed that one of the teachers had french braided her hair.  I took a picture of it because it will be the only time you will see her with french braids.  I can't do them!!  My fingers just aren't coordinated enough.

I never get tired of her silly expressions.   :-P
Or this silly pose!

We will entertain you

The kids have toys in their bedrooms, in the basement, and in the family room.  But that can only hold their attention for 20 minutes at a time.  Does this sound familiar...."I'm booooored"?   What do you do when you are stuck indoors for two days with two energetic kids?

You count and sort the color chips and then you slam them on your forehead.
Then you practice taking self portraits with your camera.
If you can't beat them...join them?
Feed the birds leftover bread and half of the loaf of bread in the kitchen pantry.  Since it was so deep in the backyard, we just opened the window and threw the bread outside.
Can you tell which is Mommy's coloring page and which one is Ava's?
Trust me...there was only so much coloring I could do.  I think two hours was my limit.
Let's not forget the gallons of hot chocolate that was consumed after coming in from the snow.