This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Map analyzer

While we were standing at the check out line in Safeway, Sebastian pulled out a state map to see if he could see where we were on the map.   I didn't think my sense of direction was THAT bad.  Even my iPhone has a GPS system.  ;-)

Taste of city life

The kids get to experience the real city life.  We had to walk to the grocery story to get the second night's dinner.  Of course since we had to carry the groceries back to the apartment, we had to minimize the shopping list.

Everybody had to carry something home, including Ava.  Of course the lightest thing we had were eggs (daring huh?)
The popular grocery stores in MD are Safeway's and Giant's.  
We saw a delivery truck outside the apartment building.   We couldn't believe we hauled our own groceries home when we could have had it delivered!!  Actually, we don't mind walking to the store every other day to get the next evening meal.  It's great exercise and the kids get to experience the whole thing.  We'll most likely do the same in the other apartment since there's a shopping center right across the street.
Hey, we have to take the's 11 flights up!!

Arrival Day (post date: 3/24/10)

Sebastian wanted to demonstrate how tired he was from the long car ride.  We had to wait 30 minutes before they handed us the apartment keys.  Apparently they hadn't received the signed lease agreement from the relocation company.
The kids reassuring Marley that he would be out of his prison very soon.
At least the baby doll didn't have to endure the cage during the car ride.  The doll even got a free lift up to the apartment.
Ava also getting a free ride.


Welcome signs

This is looking out of our front door.  The hallway basically looks like a hotel.  We are in a two bedroom aptmt on the 11th floor (which is the top floor).  Outside of every aptmt door is a little shelf.  People place something decorative on the shelves to personalize their entranceway. 
A flamingo and a tea set.  I wonder what that means?  Does that mean the family is from Florida and they are English?  Ava points out the flamingo every time we pass it.  
This is my favorite.   
I would put something on our shelf but we will only be here for seven more days.  If I had to put something outside, maybe it would be something like this?


New school

Sebastian getting on elevator this morning to go to his new school.  He was extremely nervous and I had to torture him with my camera.
This is where the kids stay for the "before" and "after" school programs.  We had originally signed Sebastian up at the Kindercare so he would be at the same location as Ava.  But we changed after Sebastian requested to stay at school with his potential future friends/classmates.  They have a program ran by the Bar-T.  It's like a daycare program but it's located at the elementary school.  
From being nervouse to being sociable.  Sebastian saw a girl reading a Percy Jackson book so he went over to talk to her since he LOVES Percy Jackson.  I'm so proud of that boy!!  :-)
Sebastian standing in front of his classroom.  His classmates were already lined up at the door.  They had a "buddy" system for new kids and they would take him on a tour later in the day.  When Sebastian came home this afternoon, he said the first day of school was GREAT!!  I think this school will do wonders for him.  The kids are at a much higher skill level and the school has multi nationalities.  It really reminds me of the schools I attended overseas.  I am so happy he will get this experience.

Home away from home

This is our home for the next 11 days.  We are staying in a two bedroom apartment and the kids have to share a room for the first time.  This ought to be interesting.
Sebastian chilling out after a long car ride.
Why am I taking a picture of the closet?  Because both closets in each of the bedrooms are bigger than the closets in the master bedroom in PA.....that's not fair!   ;-)
This will be my office while I look for employment.  Michael starts his new job on Monday and I will have the kids home for a week.  I'll be job searching while Ava takes naps  :-P

Mobile Kitty

Marley was one unhappy kitty during the transport to MD.  He must have screamed two hours straight.  He calmed down after two hours and I would stick my fingers through the holes to pet him.  But then he would start hollering again once I stopped petting him.  Sheeesh...what a big baby!
Sebastian and Ava rode with Michael.  I think I had the noisiest car because Ava took a nap in the other car and Sebastian played his video games or read books.  I knew I got a rotten deal  ;-P

Baby carrier

I thought Ava was prepping the cat cage for Marley.  But when I looked in, this is what I saw.  I'm glad she's not my Mommy!  Puts a whole new meaning to "portable baby" huh?

Sad farewell

Elizabeth and her Mom were there to say farewell before we drove down to MD.
Elizabeth gave Sebastian a farewell present/gift bag.
The best present was a picture in a frame of the two of them.  I am going to miss Elizabeth tremendously.  She had become my second daughter.  Hopefully the two kids can keep in touch via email and maybe she'll come visit us over the summer   ;-P

Moving sale

Ava's crib was taken apart and put in Michael's music room because Ava no longer needs the crib.  We sold the crib to a friend so we didn't have to ship and store when we finally pack up the rest of the house.

This is where the bureau use to be in Ava's room.
The t.v. use to sit on top of the bureau.  Now there's a huge empty spot where the crib use to be.
Ava's temporary big girl bed in the guest room.  We will order new bedroom furniture when we move into our future permanent home.