This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Ava's bubble blowing skills and other trivial stuff

Well, Sebastian survived the first day of school today. I asked him how his day was and he replied "great and no homework." In the words of Ava, "uh oh." I think I'll leave the homework delegation to Daddy. On another note, on Monday morning, as I was driving the kids to the daycare, Sebastian asked me to turn up the radio volume. He said he liked the song that was playing and I asked him how he knew this song. He replied, "they always play the Go Go's at daycare". I told him that Mommy LOVED the song "Vacation" when she was a teenager. Little did he know how nostalgic I was feeling. Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

Ava was in one of those funky moods again today. I tried to keep her entertained before dinner and she was able to tolerate some bubble blowing for about ten minutes until she had a meltdown. During her melt down, I accidently left my cell phone on top of the spare tire because I thought Daddy might call. I have an SUV and the tire hangs off the back door. Later on, we went out for some ice cream and I completely forgot about my cell phone being on top of the tire. Suffice to say, the cell phone fell off the car in the middle of the road and a car ran over it. I didn't realize I had left the cell phone on the car until well after we returned from the ice cream trip. We got a phone call from some guy who happened to be peddling on his bike and found my cell phone. Miraculously the cell phone was still functioning. The camera function on the phone is shot since the glass plate over the lens completely shattered. I don't know what it is about leaving stuff on top of cars lately. First Michael left his wallet on top of his car a few months back and now my cell phone. It must be contagious!

Sorry Ava, you still can't play with Mommy's red Razor phone. I know how much you LOVE it and you go bonkers every time I pull it out to make calls. Maybe next year when Mommy upgrades her phone to an IPhone! For now, you have to make do with your pink Cinderella phone.

I was able to email all the pictures I took on my cell phone and send it to my email just in case the phone does decide to crap out. As my husbands says, "as if I need more pictures!!" Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

This was taken outside the grocery store.

Here is a cute video clip of Ava blowing bubbles before her melt down.