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Puppy love

This is Rufus, a one year old Australian cattle dog. He belonged to Lori, my hair stylist. Lori had to bring him to the hair salon because Rufus is still a puppy and cannot be left home alone. The owner of the hair salon has known Lori for almost 15 years so she didn't mind Rufus being there. I was making fun of Lori because I told her she is suffering from early empty next syndrom. Her oldest daughter is in college and the youngest is a senior in high school.

Sebastian has been dropping major hints about getting a pet and we have both been adament about getting any furry creature. Especially a dog. Sure, we have Marley and he thinks he's a dog or a person. He greets us at the garage door every day and he sits on the kitchen chairs when we are are sitting in the kitchen. But that not enough for Sebastian. We explained to Sebastian that a puppy is like having another child and we are not mentally or physically ready for another pet/child. We are never home and that wouldn't be fair to the animal. At least Marley is somewhat self sufficient. He just needs food, water, little love (he's a cat!!) and a clean litter box. A puppy tears up your house, pees on your floors, sleeps on your bed, whines all night to be let out, has to go out in the rain and snow......etc.

This is the second time I've met Rufus and I have to say, I was falling in love with him. Shhh....don't tell Michael. Rufus has the distinguished white mark on top of his head but he has a mixture of golden retriever. He is quite gentle and docile. I have to say, if our kids were a LOT older, this would be the type of dog I would get for my emtpy next.