This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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A Professional Job

We finally took Ava and Sebastian to have their professional pictures taken. Sure we have 6000 digital pictures of our kids and we have two cameras and two camcorders in the house but none have come out like this. Of course Ava bawled her eyes out even though the whole family was present and ready to support her. I'm just glad the photographer had FAST fingers. I kept yelling "shoot it NOW, shoot it NOW". How annoying is that? I'm sure they get customers like that all the time. Here are the proofs from their website. We have the originals ;-)


Snow Day

We took Ava out to show her the snow last Friday. Unfortunately, by the time the kids came home, the snow had turned to sleet and it made the snow compact and icy. Sebastian didn't get to make his snow angels and Ava didn't get her sled ride because she wasn't heavy enough to weigh down the sled. But I got some cute snapshots out of it!

Weekend Family Entertainment

This is our weekend family entertainment.

"Shake Your Booty" Dance....

Basket Full of Fun...


Growing up too fast

Ava Entertainment

I don't know who is entertaining who. Ava likes to entertain herself by dancing with or "on" her musical chair. Mommy was entertained by Ava ;-)

Mommy and Sebastian's Interpretation

Ava decided to be chatty one night at dinnertime so Mommy and Sebastian tried to interpret her "babbles". I think alot had to do with how TIRED our little girl was.

Ava missing her nose

Ava is learning her body parts. She knows where her head, mouth and ears are. She even knows how big she is but she missed her nose completely! Oh well, that will come in time. ;-)

Two Casio "Moments"

Do you remember the phrase "it's a Kodak moment"? Well I shoot all my video clips and photos with my handy dandy Casio digital camera. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm a digital "junkie". I have pretty much kept a digital journal of my children's lives because I'm afraid I'll miss something. Well it's one of those times where I'm glad I had the camera in my reach so I could capture these two precious video clips.

Ava has been evolving a LOT lately. In the past week I've noticed she has really taken notice of her brother. When ever Sebastian walks into the room, her eyes really light up. With each day that goes by, she shows her affections more and more. It is really enduring and just heart melting ;-)

Ava returning Sebastian's Good Morning Kiss:

Sebastian giving Ava a kiss:


Breakfast Routine

Ava has her routine every morning at the daycare. As soon as I unbundle her and she's free to move around, she makes a bee line to Miss Bonita. Miss Bonita had been feeding her morning bottle ever since she entered the daycare. Now that Ava has graduated to solid foods, she knows who takes care of breakfast. Ava lets Miss Bonita know she's ready by vocalizing her requests. She usually raises her arms to signal Miss Bonita but this particular morning, she couldn't be bothered.

How Big?

Ava's rendition of "soooo big". Of course we interrupted her dinner for this exercise so that's why only one hand was used ;-)

Miss Puffalump!

A month ago, Miss Ava could not walk or stand up in her giant pink snowsuit. We have fondly referred the snowsuit as the Puffalump because it reminded us of the stuff animals and dolls that were popular back in the 90's (and still are). Ava would just lie there like a big lump and we would have to prop her up in a sitting position so she could see what was going on. Now that her legs have gotten longer and more usage, she is able to maneuver around. You be the judge!


Rare Glimpse

Okay, I know it's been a while since my last post. I've been on a short "leave of absence" and I'm slowly getting back into the blogging frame of mind. Also, I received a new digital recorder that is suppose to be compact and easier to use. I don't have to convert the video files before posting on Youtube and I can save the files directly on my laptop. I haven't quite figured out the new contraption AND I accidently deleted 3 months of video files from my hard drive and it pretty much discouraged me from using any video cameras lately. Meanwhile, I backed up most of my photo files so here are some recent pictures of Ava with her headband look. It is a rare glimpse of her with anything on her head. Yep, she rips headbands and hats right off her head!

The ten second rule (that's how long she tolerates something on her head)
Note: the headband position keeps moving.

The real Ava (get this thing off my head before something explodes!!)