This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Atlantic City Landmark

We decided to take a trip to Atlantic City until the weather cleared up and got a little bit warmer. We strolled the boardwalk, visited the lighthouse and of course stopped at one of Atlantic City's landmark, White House. It;s just a little corner deli that is famous for their Subs (hoagies). It's as popular in NJ as Pat's Cheesesteak is to Philadelphia. Celebrities have visited White House and has been featured in one of the Cosbie shows from the 80's. Of course we went on a Monday afternoon and still had to wait in line for 30 minutes. The workers there say it's always non-stop.

We visited the White House back in 2001, about two weeks before Sebastian was born. We had decided on impulse to take a trip to Atlantic City. We took some coins from the piggy bank (about $70 worth) to blow on the casinos and then head over to White House. I of course managed to polish off the ENTIRE sub all by myself. I was on a strict diet during my last trimester and broke the cardinal rule and gorged myself on White House's "special" italian hoagie. It's a wonder I didn't go into labor after that!

I wonder if they will give me another sub for free endorsements on my blog? There's always a line outside the White House. The line on this day was nothing compared to most days. I think the line went all the way down the next street corner the last time we visited.

There's always people walking out of the White House with brown paper bags. You see cars lined up along the sidewalk, the motor is still running and the passenger gets in and the car pulls away from the curb and speeds off. It reminded me of a scene in some cheesy crime movie where a person enters a car with a suspicious package and speeds away.

I noticed the Alaska license plate on the Mercedes parked in front of us and had to laugh...could they be that desperate to drive all that distance?

This is what all the hub bub was about. The first delicious, scrumptious bite into this sub and you know it was worth the wait...