This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Little Miss Daredevil

Ava has discovered the art of Daredevil riding. I found out her new talent a few weekends ago and she thought it was the funniest thing. Our driveway is pretty steep and she was cruising down the hill like she was a professional race car driver. We may have to purchase a helmet for her sooner than later.

Ava riding backwards

Going forward

Giving Mommy an "attitude" because she wasn't ready to come inside.

The missing reindeer?

Okay, this was Mommy's doing. Ava was not a willing participant. We were strolling down the Target aisles and I saw the cute head dresses ;-) I didn't buy the cute accessories because Ava did not think antlers were part of her ensemble.

Birthday party paradise

Sebastian was invited to two bday parties. The parties were at one of those giant indoor recreation places. A parent's solution to every birthday party theme. Giant inflatable slides, moon bounces, climbing walls, a party room, etc. They even have a waiting area for the parents. The parents can lounge around in front of big screen t.v.'s, sit in a massage chair and go on the computer. It's so parent friendly that I even caught one of the parents taking a nap.

Pumpkins anyone?

We stopped at Walmart to buy another bday present for Sebastian's classmate and I ended up coming home with post Halloween inventory. Yep, all Halloween decorations were half off.

Now you see her, now you don't!

Tea Party

Ava having a tea party with her Mom Mom (the calorie free version).

The fabulous baker boys?

Sebastian had an assignment for his advanced class. The kids had to come up with three ingredients to add to a cookie recipe. The lesson was that no matter what the ingredients were, it was okay to pass or fail on a cookie experiment. The important thing was that you were willing to experiment and take chances. Sebastian's key ingredients were peanut butter, cheese (cream cheese) and sweet tarts.

After the cookies baked, we tested them. Let's just say that even dunking them in coffee wouldn't improve the taste. The kids were suppose to bring their cookies to class so everyone could taste them. I can safely say, Mrs. Fields won't be buying our recipe. But at least they looked presentable enough to eat. We asked Sebastian how the kids liked his new cookie recipe and he said everyone thought they were good. Of course you are talking about a seven year old testimony.

I need a new look!

This is what what we walk into every morning. Does anyone know where our little girl is?

Hey, there's new world out there (when I can actually see)

The end of soccer season

Some miscellaneous pictures of the last soccer game and awards.

A family portrait...yeah, we like to amuse ourselves during soccer games

Still cute as a button!

Sebastian with soccer coach


I love the minds of a seven year olds. Last week I went to Sebastian's school for a special "Visitor's Day". The parents got to spend an hour in their children's class. We also sat in their computer class for part of that hour. Mrs. Smith was teaching the kids how to type a letter in Microsoft Word. She started out by pointing all the basic functions in MS Word (like fonts, colors, special character keys, etc.) Mrs. Smith asked if everyone knew what or where the "colon" character was. Sebastian raised his hand and asked "is it the colon that is inside your body?" I didn't know he even knew that! His Dad must have told him in a past conversation ;-)

It's so true when we say "their brains are like sponges." Every morning Sebastian comes into the bathroom to get his face washed and hair brushed. Sometimes I'll be doing my hair and he'll say to me "boy Mom, you look really nice today." In which I reply, "why thank you son." Well this morning at the breakfast table, Sebastian was in one of his "what if's" mood. This is what he said to me as I was kissing him goodbye, "Mommy, what if I came down the stairs and said you are hot?" :-o I know where he gets the sayings from....not from the kids on the school bus but from a 37 yr old who lives in the same house! I just laughed it off and just said "Oh Sebastian." How else was I suppose to respond?

Like I said....his brain is a sponge ;-) That's why we tell him too much t.v. will turn his brain into mashed potatos. We love him just the way he is...sponge and all!

In Limbo

Hello blog world. Well, I did a doozy last night. I went into my son's room to pack his overnight bag because he was spending the night with his Mom Mom. I knew there were toys on the floor but when I turned around, I tripped on one of the plastic toy guns. I didn't just trip over it, I landed right ON it. As you will see from the picture below, this was no teensy weensy toy gun. It was a major obstacle course in his room.

Sooooo... after I tripped, I just picked myself off the floor and went about my business. By the time I came back from my parent's house, my knee felt a little stiff. I even felt a little stiff this morning and when I knelt on the floor to change Ava, I felt a little pull and twinge of discomfort. I went downstairs and cooked breakfast. But in the course of 45 minutes, my knee swelled up to a size of a baseball and the throbbing began. By the time breakfast was over, I couldn't bend my knee. We were worried I tore a ligament, fractured my knee or chipped my knee cap. So we went to the hospital to get an xray just to make sure. Luckily it was just a really bad bruise and banged up knee. It should only take a few days for the swelling to go down.

Poor Sebastian, he heard me tell my Mom last night that I tripped over his toy. When he heard this morning that I had to go to the hospital, he literally felt guilty and took the blame for my swollen knee. He's such an emotional little guy.

The obstacle

The pain...the agony

Ouch...that's gotta hurt!

I asked Ava to kiss Mommy's boo boo

The leg "immobilizer" (the nurse wanted me to use crutches but I didn't feel the need for them)

A healthy sign...turning purple. The nurse said it will turn purple, then green, then yellow....lovely, I feel like a chameleon.


Happy Election Day!

In the spirit of the 2008 Elections, I figured I'd post the famous paper dolls here. I actually saw the books at Barnes and Nobles a few months ago and thought how funny. I actually took pictures of the paper dolls with my camera but I couldn't find them on my laptop (what a surprise). So I googled and low and behold...found them! Get your paper dolls here! ;-)

Michael and I had originally planned on taking Sebastian to the voting booths this morning but after he did a drive by around 6:55 a.m., there were already 100 people standing in line. So we decided to go to work and leave around 10:30 to go vote. As it turned out, it was a wise decision because we were in and out of there in five minutes. Unfortunately, Sebastian didn't get to experience his first election. He'll be 11 yrs old by the time the next election comes around. Michael was just discussing with him last night that he will be able to vote in the year 2019. Isn't that weird to think?