This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Our first visitor

Look who came for a visit?  Yep, Mom Mom!  Of course nothing ever changes...just because Mom Mom is here doesn't mean the kids stop tormenting each other.  Sebastian's latest thing is giving something to Ava and then reclaiming it back a minute later.  Ava's latest thing is tattle telling on her brother and screaming when she doesn't get what she wants.  

In the photos below Sebastian "lends" Ava his razor scooter.  He even lowers the handle bar to her height and then he rides off on the scooter (you can see Ava running after him).  Then he thinks he's a circus clown riding on Ava's little tricycle.  Now I know where my kids got it from (my older brother and I are eight years apart).  :-P
Sebastian and Mom Mom playing Marjhong on the laptop.
Sebastian showing Mom Mom his new talent.
Ava patiently waiting for Mom Mom to finish her nap (and watching t.v.)
I even got Mom Mom to have lunch with me at my favorite Pho shop  :-D


Julie and Dean said...

I love the look on sebastian's face as he is riding the scooter and than that little beauty running behind him, too cute!
did you move??? I'm thinking you did. If so, how did all go and did you head back to an area you are from?
The YAY Daddy is home picture is so sweet.

Susan said...

Hope you've been settling in well! Looks like we're both in the same boat -- busy and needing to catch up on our blogs :)