This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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The country mouse goes to the city

Last Saturday, I took Sebastian and Elizabeth to the city to see their first professional play. I had bought tickets to see The Berenstein Bears about a month ago. We originally planned on Ava staying with one of the Grandmoms and the three of us enjoy a day in the city. But that was before we decided to redo the kitchen floor. Well as it turned out, the kitchen floor installation was scheduled on the day of the play so one of us had to stay home for the installers while the other took the kids to the city.

All dressed up and somewhere to go!

Thank goodness for modern technology!

Outside the theater.

We weren't allowed to take picture inside the theater but I snuck two in ;-)

After the play.  The kids decided they wanted to eat lunch IN the city.

We chose a very trendy, upscaled diner.  A diner with a bar in it!  Don't worry, the diner was kid friendly.  We chose to sit at the bar counter because we didn't feel like waiting for 30 minutes for a booth.

Uh...I don't think they are ready for dating yet.

Working off lunch in the park.  The kids were making games out of the simplest things like baton racing with a tree branch.

Sebastian and Elizabeth ran around this empty water fountain.  Sebastian yelled, "look, I'm a dime, I'm a nickel!"  Elizabeth joined in and yelled, "look, I'm a penny!"  What a pair!

They stood still long enough for me to take some nice photos.


Unknown said...


great photos, esp the first one of the 'BFFs. Sebastian is leaning in. And the last one, in front of the tree! Was that the Logan Circle fountain, and what theater and what diner?
fun fun fun!