I copied text from Angela's blog site "Little Baby Hunter" because she wrote about stuff I could really relate to. You can refer to Angela's blog site under "My Favorite Vietnam Blogs" on the right side of my blog. The two subjects below describe Ava's personality to a "T". I even commented on Angela's blogs that I thought Chloe and Ava had a LOT of similarities ;-)
The girl LOVES food. Not baby food so much, but people food. And if she sees it, she thinks she has to have it. And the child will SCREAM until she gets it. And scream unless she CONSTANTLY gets it. Almost a full out temper tantrum. Like if she doesn't get it, she'll start flailing her arms and legs and everything. The problem is that usually it's my food. So if I try to eat it, it doesn't make her happy. And this goes well beyond the typical I'm hungry cry. She's not even hungry a lot of the time, she just wants it. And wants nobody else to get it. It's the kind of cry where it starts out as kind of grunt, then when she doesn't get the food, it turns into an ear piercing scream. Like she knows that I will give her a mouth full just to quiet her down.
I will also add that Ava HATES being in her highchair, especially when the food runs out. I usually try to get her fed first only because I don't want her to eat later and then have to be rushed upstairs for bath. But sometimes I can't get her fed before we sit down to eat and then I have to rush through my plate because I'm afraid she'll finish before I do and then throw a fit because she sees that we are still eating. Thank goodness I'm not alone in this!
First, let me start by saying that I think Chloe is perfect. But I have to admit, she's got some habits that absolutely drive me nuts.
-This is something that I really don't know what to do about. It's the only thing that I can't just laugh off. Chloe gets hysterical when she's in a car seat in a car with me. It's not your typical cry-for-a-few-minutes-then-I'm-ok. She will cry the WHOLE time. I mean SCREAM. So we only go anywhere when be absolutely have to as it drives me crazy. Actually having to go somewhere with her stresses me out. I actually plan my days around figuring out how I can do the the least amount of driving as possible. The result is that we spend very little time away from the house. Which sucks because it's nice to be able to get out sometimes. But I'm hoping that in time this will pass.
-Chloe doesn't like for me to move. It instantly makes her cry. At first I was going to say that she doesn't like for me to leave the room, or her line of sight, but really that's not even accurate. A lot of times I can't even move from a sitting to standing position without her starting to cry. Now if she notices that I'm not going anywhere, she'll stop crying after a few seconds. But still. I hate that she gets so sad so easily.
Oh my gosh, this is Ava Monday through Friday! Every afternoon I pick up Ava and Sebastian from the daycare after work, take them home, get them something to drink or a snack, go upstairs to get my evening attire on, go downstairs and TRY to get dinner prepared, all the while having a 14 month on my trail screaming and crying because I don't have her attached to my hip. It has become the way of life the past three months.
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