This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Playground Fashion Etiquette

Yesterday I took the kids to the playground after work and then to Sonic for some burgers. I had a doctor apptmt so Michael met us at Sonic and took the kids home afterwards.

Whenever I go to the playground, I can't help but people "watch". There was a Mom at the playground with her young son. I couldn't stop staring at her because she went down the giant slide with her son in high heels AND handbag!! That was the part I was intrigued by the most. She's running around the playground, chasing her son in tight camouflage capri pants (and I mean TIGHT), a black halter top, four inch high heels and a black purse hanging over her shoulder.

I don't know what she was thinking about her attire when she decided to take her son to the playground that day. Maybe she thought, "this looks like a perfect day to go running around the playground and fall out of my halter top and dig my heels in some mulch." At least her shoes aerated the playground really well!

The scene just too funny to pass up so I had to capture the moment. Michael asked me if she knew I was taking her picture and I said no. She probably thought I was just playing with my iPhone. The iPhone has a built in digital camera so you can't tell when I'm pointing and shooting. ;-)

Ava loved going down the giant slides with Sebastian.

Sebastian is pulling Ava back because she wanted to climb back up the slide. She wasn't too happy about that.
Ava is becoming a big monkey. She will climb on most climbing equipment and gets upset if you try to help her.