This is a digital scrapbook of our journey to complete our family in Vietnam.

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Rainy day and Tuesday

I'm back tracking to last week because I'm trying to catch up on my blog. Sebastian got sick the Sunday after his Halloween party. He was out of school on Monday and Tuesday. Michael stayed home with him on the first day and I stayed home with him on the second day. We took him to the doctor because he was running a low grade fever and his chest was congested. Whenever he complains about a tight chest, we get over paranoid because he was hospitalized with pneumonia when he was a baby. He's been prone to pneumonia repeatedly and has had to go on the nebulizer a couple times. Of course the last time he went on the nebulizer was when he was two years old. What's that old saying, "an ounce of prevention......?

Getting examined at the doctor's office. He was fine, just had some virul flu symptoms.
Taking it easy and eating breakfast in front of the t.v.

Sebastian thought it was a treat to lay around in his pajamas all day and eat his meals on the t.v. tray.
Mmmmm...nothing like ramen soup on a cold, rainy, dreary day.
We were even visited by five young deers. They crossed our lawn, went across the street and played in the open field behind the two houses.


Susan said...

I wish my sick days were like Sebastian's! Totally agree with your response to his symptoms--better to be safe. You definitely win the Mommy award of the year.